Questions And Answers. Part 3.

Here are the questions and my answers to Cris.


[K Let us see you, so we can believe you, the nets are not the best way to
[K prove your existence.

JW Many have seen and not believed.

[K Didn't you understand how important is for a human to SEE ?

JW Some of our people have caught a person from another planet who is not one of the big three space people (Greys, Reptoids and Pleiadians). We took this person and asked him to tell us about their means of propulsion and weaponry. He refused, we froze him, we unfroze him a year later and asked him again, he refused, we froze him again. Now his friends are wanting him back. We haven't given him back the last report I heard about.

[K I_> A: Dear ones, there are many people who feel I am a stern commander.
[K I_> This is the reason why I have come to you now, for my reputation
[K I_> precedes me, and it is through Cloverleaf and others that I am
[K I_> endeavoring to change that reputation.
[K Your reputation is something that you EARN, so maybe that is the truth
[K about you ? And if it isn't, how did you get that reputation in the first
[K place ? And how can you convince us that you are peaceful?

JW We Earth people assumed that is what he was. A master would be about as to hard to explain to an Earth person.

[K I_> I wish to be known as the one who extends his arms and holds the
[K I_> sheep tenderly and with love. You can't imagine a shepherd who is in a
[K I_> commanding position, can you?
[K Your wishes are yours, of course, but let us form our own opinion, if you
[K don't mind... and why should you?

JW This person has the combined power to remove everyone from this Earth.

[K I_> D: Well, it was kind of hard to put the whole thing together because
[K I_> of the love that we feel, and yet, your are the commander of the
[K I_> Ashtar Command.
[K I_> A: This is the fallacy! I am the commander of myself only.
[K Getting a little jumpy ? Is this a manifestation of your temper?

JW He has feelings similar to what we have.

[K I_> D: What do you mean by the fallacy?
[K I_> A: Those who live upon the Earth relate the title, "Commander" to
[K I_> the head of a military organization, so therefore, they relate
[K I_> "Commander Ashtar" to he head of an etheric military organization,
[K I_> but this is not so. Commander, in our terms, is one who is in
[K I_> command of themselves. The volunteers who assist do so with love,
[K Slow down a bit will you ?

JW If he would go any slower he would be stopped.

[K You are a Commander, of yourself, as you say, and commander is a being who
[K is in command of itself. Where do the volunteers come from ?

JW From enough places to have millions of space crafts.

[K Are they in command of themselves or not ?

JW Some are and some aren't.

Are they of a lower rank than you are?

JW They don't use ranks usually. All are equal.

[K Anyway, since they " assist " you, they, in fact work for you,

JW They don't work for him.

[K which means they do what they are told,

JW They'd don't do what they are told.

[K which means that you are in command of more than yourself.

JW He is only in command of himself.

[K Doesn't matter if they assist you " with love ", they are under your
[K orders,

JW They are not under his orders.

[K so relating " Commander Ashtar " to the head of an organization

JW He is not commander of the organization.

is not a fallacy, as you chose to call it, it's the TRUTH.

JW It is not truth, he is commander only of himself.

[K And that it is not a military organization is what you say, nothing more.
[K Prove it !

JW Ask Winifred. She is part of the Ashtar Command.

I_> D: That makes a lot of sense and I'm glad you said so, because
[K I_> I wonder about that too.
Methinks " D " agrees too fast...

JW D is a very smart person and has worked with Ashtar for many years and believes that he is an honest person.

I_> A: You see, the Ashtar Command on the Earth has people, such as
[K I_> you, who are very willingly doing their parts, and I do not feel
[K I_> you think you are working for me...
[K I_> D: We're working with you!
[K Yes, we all work together, but only one of us is in charge... talk about
[K fallacies...

JW You are still thinking in Earthly terms.

[K There have been all kinds of messages flying around here, telling us how
[K the government ( one or another ) is guilty of trying to control the minds
[K of the people. Now this Ashtar Command has a lot better means to
[K accomplish just that, who is to say that they are not doing it ?
[K Think about it.

JW I have given it thought.

[K I_> Earth at this time. Sananda, the great commander is the one most
[K I_> involved. This is why he is called the "Great Commander," yet
[K I_> he does so out of voluntary love, just as I do. Because people

[K Well, I have a job, and I go to work every day out of voluntary need of
[K money, just about like any other mature human being on Earth that is
[K fortunate enough to have a job.
[K Now, it makes a lot of sense to assume that the General Manager is the
[K " Great Commander ", the Plant Manager is the " Commander " and I am...
[K the poor sucker... sorry, I mean " volunteer ". (G)
[K And what was that about being in charge of yourself ONLY ?
[K Cris.
[K P.-S.
[K I_> JW I still say he is one of the good guys. Cloverleaf is an
[K I_> organization of people who have come together in Canada to bring
[K I_> out information from the space and spiritual people to this world.

[K Hi again, John, you may be right, the ideas promoted here are those of
[K love and well being for humanity.
[K But, there is this stinking feeling that has developed in me over the
[K years, I can't help but ask myself - what are his reasons ?

JW His reasons are to bring the Earth out of the 3rd dimension and bring it into the 4th dimension or the second coming of Christ within out hearts.

[K Who is he ?

He is a celestial being who is here to help us to make the Earth a better place.

Where is he ?

JW He is in the higher dimensions and is invisible to us, unless we raise our frequency to see him or he lowers his frequency so we can see him.

[K Why don't we just meet one day, something like a UFO conference somewhere,
[K like the one at the Roswell film showing, you know, with reporters,
[K researchers and the works...

JW Benjiman Cream has had a being like Ashtar appear in physical form before but very few people believe that he has done this. They even took pictures of the person with hundreds of people watching him. Seeing is not always believing.

[K Why is this Cloverleaf organization choosing to use telepathy and
[K channeling as the way to present their ideas ?

JW It's pretty hard to talk to a being in another dimension in any way other than channeling.

[K As I said in my previous post, we'll see.

JW I believe you and I believe your heart is right.

[k regards,
[K Cris.


Walter To The Rescue.
[From: Walter Bartoo
[Subject: Is The Ashtar Command
[K For: Cristian Paunescu

[KHi Chris: For starters the person you are trying to get a reply from lives in Canada, Sesakatquan (SP?) and is not on the computer networks. I've known Areanna for years and feel she is very sincere in her connections to the Ashtar Command. I also understand your frustration in a rapidly declining changing times. However being involved for a very long time taking in all aspects of the Phenomena of people channeling good ets bad ets etc, and the conspiracy and loads of information taking in every area of it I find myself at times stressed out as you appear to be in your message. This is normal and yes Chris I've even asked at times where are you guys, and had people connected to the intelligence agencies also ask where are they, bring them in. But you know after the long haul I do not doubt they are involved?

I'm aware there are reasons for everything and people just aren't ready for a full blown public contact.. I've seen ships on more then one occasion. Saw a large Grey that appeared Human after the fact and do not doubt they are here. Met folks who are in constant contact, who had affairs with ets and heard the whole the gambit of you name it. I've been exposed to a very large group of people over the years. I'm aware also there are neutral, bad and good ets. That they have been in Earths affairs for an indefinite period of time since Earth developed it's life forms, before and after man entered the picture right up to the present.

What you are seeing is the Dark Control experiencing it's demise and it's desire to get everyone to give over their souls so they can take you where they will end up. These are destroying Earth and humanity as only they can see as the means in their end, which has been termed by the other side from the Light as them being the destroyers. But if they were not present there would be no experience and growth all of you would have to wade through and decide in where you stand. EVERYTHING you see is based on you making your own decisions, not another saving the day so you wont have to make them.

There is futilty and hopelessness in this affair that many must be feeling as they see things get rapidly worse around them. The key thou Chris is to know you are loved and that within you dwells the real you. It is a Spirit that is eternal that you must use in it's radiant best pose in these times.

They cannot hurt you Chris, or take your soul unless you agree to give it over. Understand the Darkside are lower Astral beings dead set on mischief and creating the illusion by deception of making you think all is lost. IT IS NOT! Do not fall for this rue to capture and bring your SPIRIT DOWN. accelerate and

Original file name: 95.09.04 Questions 3